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This version has been built on top of the 3.8 version the Adwaita Theme.

Wallpaper is Linescape by Tectix.
Icons are 'F-Dark Faenza'.

DeLorean-Dark-3.10 is designed to be sleek and less complicated than the previous 3.8-version; with its high polish and dramatic contrasts.  3.10's backdrop state resembles a pencil sketch, while its normal state sports multi-toned metallic surfaces.

  • Gtk2 & Gtk3 Themes
  • Metacity/Mutter/Unity Themes
  • Xfwm4 Theme
  • Xfce-Notify Theme
  • Ubuntu Software Center Theme

  • gtk-3.10.* (3.8 compatible, see bellow ***)
  • gtk-2.24.17(or newer)
  • gtk-engine-unico - latest available version
  • pixbuf-engine or the gtk(2)-engines package
  • gtk-engine-murrine-0.98.2(or newer)

  • Download the Delorean-Dark Theme package from the top of this page.
    Unzip the archive, and copy the delorean-3.10 folder to '/usr/share/themes/' for system-wide installation, or to '~/.themes' for individual use installation****.
  • Arch Linux & Manjaro
    Install from Arch Linux AUR
    If using yaourt, type in terminal: yaourt -S delorean-dark-3.10
  • Ubuntu I am no longer maintaining the killhellokitty PPA.  Instead check-out  
    Trusty Tahr 14.04 the bugs have been squashed.  The Window-Manger Theme is now working. has a great many issues when using this theme.  
    Including the window manager theme doesn't work.  I do not know if or when this bug will be addressed.  
    Do not submit bug reports at this time.  Thank You
Unpack the DeLorean-Dark theme package and locate the Firefox and Thunderbird files. You will find a 'chrome' folder inside of each.  Next go to '~/.mozilla/firefox/xSomeNumbers.default' and for Thunderbird go to '~/.thunderbird/xSomeNumbers.default'.
  • If there is no 'chrome' folder, just copy and paste the appropriate one form inside the DeLorean theme package.
  • If there is a 'chrome' folder, merge its contents with the appropriate 'chrome' folder from within the DeLorean theme package.
  • Restart Firefox or Thunderbird to apply the theme.
User Profile  You may also desire to create a new User-Profile for the DeLorean Themes since they hard-code the look of both applications.  To do this simply open either app with a trailing '-p', for example: firefix -p
a small gui will appear.  Choose create profile and follow the instructions.  If you would like this gui to appear at every start-up(recommended) so you can choose your profile un-tick 'Don't ask at startup', or you can always start the app with the '-p' to change profiles again.

The selected color for both Gtk2 & Gtk3 themes are now made to be easily changed!
Here is what you will need to do...
  • Gtk2 go to /usr/share/themes/delorean-dark-3.10/gtk-2.0 and open the gtkrc file in your favorite text editor.
  • Go to line #5 (gtk-color-scheme = "bg_color:#2c2c2c\nselected_bg_color:#016295") and replace '#016295' with the hex color of your choosing.
  • Save and close.
  • Gtk3 go to /usr/share/themes/delorean-dark-3.10/gtk-3.0 and open the gtk-main.css file in your favorite text editor.
  • Go to line # 4 (@define-color theme_selected_bg_color #016295) and replace '#016295' with the color of your choosing.
  • Save and close.
Thats it! Enjoy!!!
3-10-2014  a lot of work on the backdrop state.  
3-13-2014  many, many fixes and changes.  Nemo-File-Browser is now themed.  Only a couple items left to address for Gtk3, then move on to Gtk2.
3-16-2014  First BETA release!  Fixes, Fixes, Fixes! Unity is now themed. Gtk3 is finished for now.  Gtk2 will be in next update.
3-20-2014  Theming of Gtk2 has been completed. whew!  There have been a few fixes for Gtk3 as well.  The Panel for xfce/lxde still requires attention and Metacity and Mutter. 
3-21-2014  Mutter is themed and finished for Gnome-Shell.  Fixed the 'info' colors in gtk3.  Still have Metacity2 for Ubuntu and the Panel to theme.
3-26-2014  Metacity(2) is themed.  Xfwm4 is themed, I reworked the 3.6-version.  Ubuntu-Software-Center is themed.  Xfce-Notify is themed.  Reworked the themes colors. Nautilus Tabs have had a lot of polishing as well as Nautilus-Search.
3-31-2014  Nautilus Toolbar, lots and lots of changes!  I added more colors into the mix, not sure about how I like it yet.  Feedback would be great!  
The design removes some of the push-button images and leaves just the Icons instead.  I think this makes nautilus easier to work with and cleaner in appearance.  I am not a fan of the wall of multi-purpose push-buttons stretching the length of the window. I mixed things up.  Hope its well recieved.
4-05-2014  Inputs/Entrys are newly designed to have better compatibility with 3rd-party apps.  Epiphany is redesigned in similar fashion as Nautilus.  I have added a Focused state to the Tabs in Epiphany.  Gnome-Terminal the active tab is now the same color as the terminal-work-area.  Also a hand-full of minor fixes throughout.
4-15-2014  First Stable Release.  Fixed bug with unreadable text when renaming a file within Nautilus or Nemo.  Most notable changes are the addition of both a Firefox and Thunderbird themes.
5-23-2014  Unity window manager theme is fixed, and Ubuntu centric fixes have been applied.

***There is a bug when choosing Nautilus(Files) to manage the desktop(show icons).…
I believe I have made a workaround for this bug.  At least in Gnome-Shell it works.  Unfortunately the fix only works with 3.10, not for 3.8.

****Metacity/Mutter may not work properly when installed to '~/.themes'.

Please submit bug reports.  Thank You.

Give DeLorean a test drive; you deserve it!
Your feedback is always welcome.

© 2013 - 2024 killhellokitty
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blodsugare13's avatar
Hi I'm using Delorean dark theme in Ubuntu 14.04 Unity standard and I like it can you please tell me how can I replace the background color when renaming the folder or a file it's always grey and with grey-white font it doesn't look distinctive. I want to make background black color instead. This is what I mean: