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Sable-3.12 09.03252015



Sable and SableNC are carbon and black tone themes for Gnome 3.12.  It includes Sable a multi-accented theme.  And SableNC a gray scale theme.
You will likely need to adjust your monitors contrast till most of the theme appears as tones of black, only the buttons should appear as a dark shade of gray.
Sable uses a carbon and black base with copper and turquoise accents.
SableNC uses carbon and black base with gray.
Icons are Flattr by DevianTN7k1
Please report Bugs!

Ubuntu Unity This theme doesn't work well in Unity due to Ubuntu's patched gtk3 and its use of a much older version of Nautilus.  I do not know how well it will work in 14.10.  But it works well in Ubuntu with Gnome-Shell. FIXED

As always your comments are encouraged.  Thanks killhellokitty!

  • Gtk2 & Gtk3 Themes
  • Metacity/Mutter/Unity

  • gtk-3.12.*
  • gtk-2.24.17(or newer)
  • gnome-themes-standard-3.12*(adwaita engine)
  • pixbuf-engine or the gtk(2)-engines package
  • gtk-engine-murrine-0.98.2(or newer)

  • Download the Sable Theme package from the top of this page.
    Unzip the archive, and copy the Sable folder to '/usr/share/themes/' for system-wide installation, or to '~/.themes' for individual use installation.
  • Arch Linux & Manjaro
    Install from Arch Linux AUR
    If using yaourt, type in terminal: yaourt -S sable
  • Ubuntu 14.10
    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:noobslab/themes
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install sable-gtk

  •  *For Ubuntu you will need to edit the /usr/share/Sable*/gtk-main.css file.  Open it in your favorite text editor and go to the bottom of the page.  You must then uncomment line #226 (remove the forward '/*' and the backward */ to enable working tabs for Ubuntu.

Ubuntu Software Center Installation
  • In Terminal as super-user Backup the original folder and name it "software-center.backup":
    sudo cp -a /usr/share/software-center /usr/share/software-center.backup
  • Install the SableNC Theme for the Software-Center This assumes SableNC-3.12 is installed to 'usr/share/themes':
    sudo cp /usr/share/themes/SableNC/Software-Center/softwarecenter.css /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/css/softwarecenter.css && sudo cp /usr/share/themes/SableNC/Software-Center/stipple.png /usr/share/software-center/ui/gtk3/art/stipple.png
  • Start/Restart the Ubuntu Software-Center
  • To revert changes:
    sudo rm -r /usr/share/software-center && mv /usr/share/software-center.backup /usr/share/software-center

09-13-2014  First upload.
09-20-2014  Fixed metacity theme for fullscreen.  Added  SableNC theme to the theme package.
09-23-2014  Fixed Active button color in SableNC, and fixed scale-slider error.
09-27-2014  Fixed insensitive and active insensitive buttons, added stripes for better visualization.
09-30-2014  Fixed desktop background being covered by the carbon image when selected filemanager handles the desktop.  Fixed text colors in the view.
10-01-2014  Ubuntu fixes.  New Tabs for Ubuntu, and fixed the pathbar in Nautilus and few other fixes. Added Ubuntu Software Center Theme.
10-02-2014  Repackage with the above mentioned changes.
10-07-2014  Fixed Nautilus in Ubuntu, got rid of ugly box surrounding pathbar! whew! U must however uncomment the 'ubuntu-tabs.css' line at the bottom of the 'gtk-main.css' for it to work.
10-13-2014  Opera Browser fixed url bar, it is now usable.  This is last fix/update for 3.12
03-25-2015  Fixed an error in Gtk2
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darkmanek's avatar
Hi! Nice look, but where I change font color desktop?